Monday, February 1, 2010


There are 4 different types of interviewing techniques, each with pros and cons. Non-directive allows for wiggle room with the questions, but can get the interviewer in trouble for asking illegal questions. Structured interview is you know exactly what questions you will ask, this eliminates the problem of asking inappropriate questions. Situational interview you get to see how a person would act and get to know them better. Behavior interview is the highest validity.

Going into a interview is a scary experience already, and now even more now that you don't know in which way you are going to be interviewed. Its hard to prepare what you are going to say when you don't know what they are going to ask you.

When you are the one setting up the interview you need to figure out what type of questions you want to ask and what way you want them answered.

What would you do if you are in a job interview and they asked an inappropriate question, such as your age, marital status or anything like that. What would you do?